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Monday 2 March 2015

29 Ways to Beat Procrastination Once and For All

Beat ProcrastinationWe all procrastinate. Sometimes it’s not a bad thing, but it can turn into something evil and nasty if we aren’t careful. Try these procrastination beating techniques to destroy this deadly foe once and for all.

1. Get up and move

One of the best ways to “change the channel” of procrastination is to change your scenery. Rather than sit in front of your computer or TV all day, get up, do some stretches, jog in place, do pushups, and move until your frame of mind has changed.

2. Setup reminders

Setup a daily (or hourly) reminder that you should be working on something or at least not wasting your time (unless you have time to waste). You can also set up reminders that give you motivational quotes.

3. Get a motivation buddy

There is nothing like having someone on your side when it comes to making your goals a reality. If you start to slip into procrastination, your motivation buddy will get you back in the game.

4. Make yourself accountable

You can do this with people around you or even with your motivation buddy above. A great way is to announce your change publicly and be vocal about it. Hit the social networks, your blog, write letters, whatever it takes to make yourself more accountable to getting work done.

5. Create something everyday

No matter what it is. Artwork, photos, videos, a journal, some code, anything that gets you into a creative mood and gets you working.

6. Wake up early

The nicest part about waking up early is that it is quiet and still. You can concentrate on a few big tasks as soon as you get up and get a bunch of work done that would have taken many more hours during the bustle of the day.

7. Go to sleep early

You can’t wake up early and work if you don’t get to sleep early. We need to recharge and being tired is definitely a motivator to keep procrastinating.

8. Clean and clear as you go

Sometimes we see how big a mess is in our lives and rather than do anything about it, we procrastinate. If you spend 15 minutes a day or just clean and clear things as you go (email, physical cleaning, tasks, etc.) the load of things to do isn’t as big.

9. Cut the cable

Sitting in front of your TV isn’t a good thing (all the time). Beat procrastination (as well as save some money) by getting rid of your cable.

10. Just do it

We have all heard the excuses. So, rather than make up new ones, just hunker down and get to work.

11. Schedule time blocks

If you know that some tasks are coming up as due and you have a lot of work to do on them, take out your calendar and schedule some time blocks. This will give you a set time to work and help you beat procrastination.

12. Follow a task list

It’s hard to get stuff done when you don’t know what to get done. Have a task list with you to make sure that you have the right things to do at the right time.

13. Have a system

We recommend GTD, because, you know, it’s the best.

14. Don’t check email

One of the worst things that you can do when starting to “work” is check email. It will put you in an “non-action” mood. Instead, pull out your task list and work on a big task first. Check email later.

15. Destroy social networks

Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, everything. Turn them off completely to beat procrastination. Focus on the task at hand.

16. Time yourself

One good way to get to work is to set a specific time for yourself to work. Say, 25 minutes (ie. Pomodoro Technique). After the set amount of time, rest and do whatever you want for a little bit. Then work for a set of time again.

17. Track yourself

One of the best ways to know where you are spending your time and find free time to beat procrastination is by tracking yourself. There are a host of apps for doing this. Find your weaknesses and change them.

18. Automate when you can

If you hate doing some menial on your computer then try to automate it whenever you can. It will save you time and allow you to concentrate on more important, interesting things.

19. Create a playlist

Jam out to some music to beat procrastination. Create a “beating down procrastination to a pulp” play list that puts you in a state of flow with your work.

20. Identify and face your fear

Most times, we are afraid of something when we procrastinate. Try to find your fear and and face it. Then you can start creating and working.

21. Realize it will never be perfect

If you can’t work on something unless it is perfect then you should find a way to leave earth. Nothing is perfect. Make something real and awesome. That will be great enough.

22. Become mindful

Know what you are doing at all times to beat procrastination. Don’t get stuck in a mindless rut of web surfing, channel flipping, comment flaming, balderdash. Be aware of your surroundings.

23. Set “goals” for the day

At the beginning of each day identify a handful of things that you want to accomplish. Some say three things. It depends on how large the tasks are. Set a limite for yourself and work on each of them until they are done.

24. Give yourself a break

Don’t be too hard on yourself if you are having a tough time beating procrastination. Remember, you are human and we love to sit and stew in our own uncompleted mess of work sometimes. Just work hard to get out of it.

25. Stick with tools

You are reading Lifehack because you love the idea of productivity and productivity tools. I’m writing for Lifehack, because I love them too. Don’t let them control you. Trying to find the perfect productivity tool can be an excellent way to procrastinate.

26. Entertain yourself

Go to a movie, a play, an art museum. Getting away from work is a great way to beat procrastination as well as refuel your creative energy.

27. Work less

One reason we procrastinate is because we are trying to do too many things at once. Identify key projects and complete those first. You won’t feel overwhelmed and will be able to get to work.

28. Have some quiet time every day

We are constantly plugged in to our digital world. We constantly have music or sound on. It can be a overwhelming and stressful causing us to tune out of work and life. Give yourself at least 15 minutes of quiet everyday to refocus and be with yourself.

29. Don’t settle

Don’t think that “you are just lazy” and that “this is the way you are”. It doesn’t have to be and you don’t have to let it be. You can beat procrastination.


If you want to beat procrastination once and for all, these are the 29 ways to do. Pick the best one for your current situation and then get back to work.

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