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Friday 9 May 2014

8 Simple Tips to Maximize Career Fulfilment


Finding a career that you’re passionate about isn't always a picnic. A 2013 Gallup poll suggests that 70% of workers either dislike their jobs or are completely disengaged with what they do.

As managing director of Heard City, a growing company in New York, I’m constantly meeting with people young and old who are struggling with the daily frustration and boredom of their current workplaces. Figuring out what you truly want to do with your life is a challenge for many people; below are eight tips to help you find a fulfilling career path.

1. Write down who you are

What do you like to do after work hours or on the weekends? Write down all of your personality traits or interests — you might surprise yourself with what you find. Whether it’s a baby step or a huge leap, every day you should challenge yourself to embark on something that plays to your passions; you never know when you might stumble upon a career path (or a side project that ultimately turns into a full-time gig) that aligns with them.

Remember the old saying, "Dress for the job you want, not the job you have?" The same rings true for how you conduct yourself every day: You need to embody the person that you want to be in order to become her.

2. Say goodbye to your comfort zone

After a certain amount of time in a specific city, industry or job title, it can be easy to start feeling "stuck." Let go of behaviors that keep you feeling this way and try new things, no matter how different (or intimidating) they might be. Take a risk: Try a class, go to a networking happy hour or attend a conference or event. You might learn something new about yourself, professionally or personally.

3. Be extremely selective with your time

Don’t overbook — you can't be everywhere 24/7. Time is precious, so try to be as selective as possible with the activities that you choose to pursue, and make sure they're really worth the investment. On a related note, don't underestimate the importance of down time or "me" time. Allotting time in your schedule for self-reflection is healthy.

4. Use networking and social media to your advantage

Actively pursue and study the industry in which you want to be involved (even if it's not the one you're currently working within). Hiring managers are more likely to open and review a resume that is passed along by a client, friend or peer, so take a look at your network and determine which connections could potentially lead to a job, and don't be afraid to take a risk and reach out.

On social media, be sure to connect with brands, companies and professionals on LinkedIn that you admire or that interest you. Follow people or industry influencers on Twitter and Instagramthat inspire you both professionally and personally. These relationships don’t happen overnight; they require time, effort and care, but they will be worth it in the end.

5. Find a mentor who will vouch for you

Here's a crucial one: Find a mentor in the industry you want to work. While you have to be your biggest advocate, it doesn’t hurt to have someone else be your cheerleader as well. Meet with your mentor on a regular basis — ask them questions and advice and use the information you glean to your advantage.

6. Don’t be afraid to say 'no' (or to hear it)

As humans, we are scared of failure; it’s one of our biggest downfalls. You aren't always going to win at everything, and sometimes you are going to have to make calls that you are afraid to make. This means that
you will hear 'no' sometimes, but don’t let that little word discourage youyou will hear 'no' sometimes, but don’t let that little word discourage you; let it motivate you and drive you forward.

7. You’re valuable, so invest in yourself

Whether that means going back to school at age 40 or deciding that your current job isn’t inspiring you anymore and changing careers completely, you need to invest in yourself. You are never too old or too young to learn, so take some time for yourself and create opportunities on your own.

8. Become a 'gardener'

At the end of the day, you need to take a step back and figure out what you find the most fulfilling and what mark you ultimately want to leave. You must navigate all of your various interests and pick one (or two) that you want to grow — think about that interest as a plant. Take care of and nurture it. You don't have to walk away from other things; just focus more on what you love the most and bring that passion to fruition.

When it comes down to it, most people aren’t truly "lost" — they often just need to apply direction and focus.

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