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Sunday 31 May 2015

Motivation Doesn’t Work For Success

Staying motivated is an impossibility.
Motivation wears off. It’s like a shower. You cannot stay clean forever from one shower, you need to keep taking showers every day to stay clean. Similarly, you will need to keep pumping yourself up if you wish to stay motivated. It is an empty pursuit.
Fortunately, I teach my mentored students that there is a goal far more rewarding than being motivated. That loftier goal is to do only what you love. When you do what you love, you are automatically and internally motivated.
Here’s how you do that…
So, the wisdom is not to pretend you like a task you dislike by pumping yourself up with some motivational sayings or audios. Rather, the wisdom is to identify what you love and then focus your career, your income, your learning, your energy on that which you love. When you do, your income will rise sharply and you will never have to pump yourself up with motivation. You will be internally and permanently high.
Personally, I love riding my unicycle. I do not need to get motivated to ride my unicycle; I am wired motivated because I love it. I love teaching. I do not need to get motivated to teach; I come wired ready and eager to teach. I love writing bestselling books to inspire people. I love writing interesting articles. I need to motivational audios to force me to pretend that I like these activities; I really actually do love them.
So, do not seek to simply get motivated; rather, seek to do what you love. Record a goal each month to do more of what you love and less of what you do not love. When you put your creativity in that direction, you will arrive at fascinating answers that will change your life.

Saturday 30 May 2015

Punch Your Inbox in the Face

Remember when you controlled your inbox? You would receive an email from a newsletter that you actually remember signing up for. Or you might receive that occasional email from the handful of friends who used Hotmail.

The email inbox was a calm and quiet receptacle of welcomed messages, perhaps interrupted only by a beautiful and exhilarating sound. Email was manageable and fun.
Inboxes are no longer manageable nor fun. They are out of control. It's time to punch your inbox in the face. 
A few years ago, Basecamp's Jason Fried asked the perfect question from  the stage at Big Omaha, a conference about entrepreneurship in Omaha, Neb.: "When did our inboxes become a dumping ground for other people's to-do lists?" I recall him saying. He was right. Whether someone works at a big corporation, a small startup or even on family affairs, inboxes have become the place for passing the buck. 
As email became ubiquitous, it turned into a primary form of communication for many, replacing the telephone and face-to-face discussion. What's the major difference between email and the phone or face-to-face communication? It's emotionless.
It's much easier to ask for a favor, reassign a task or place blame via email because there's no emotion. It's not possible to hear someone's voice or look into that person's eyes. 
Let's not take the easy way out.
How do people stop it? Email can be a tsunami, an unstoppable force that people can only hope to survive. And when they do, they strive to reach the hard-to-attain inbox zero.

1. Setting boundaries

A friend of mine has this message as his auto-responder to all emails in his inbox.
Email Tips:
I check my email every few hours ... be patient.
The shorter your message the quicker I'll respond.
The first time I received this response I felt a bit disrespected and that he was being rude. How does he not have time for my email? Then I realized. This is brilliant. 
Set email boundaries. Do you check email first thing in the morning, at lunch and at the end of the day? Do you work on emails only from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m.? Or do you only check email on Tuesdays and Thursdays? Only you know what would work best for you but boundaries are crucial. 

2. Don't exceed expectations.

I often tell members of my team at my company, Lemonly, to not set false email expectations. Certainly, we want to deliver great service and practice quick communication with clients, but when employees respond to emails at 10:30 p.m. or Sunday afternoons, they just made it acceptable for clients to email at those times. Plus, customers might then expect a response on Sundays going forward.
Some companies have gone as far as banning email before 6 a.m. and after 6 p.m. This eases the email burden on employees and eliminates the pressure of trying to catch up or get ahead. A German car company, Daimler, has installed software that deletes emails for people while they're on vacation or out of the office. Daimler is protecting its team from the email tsunami. Everyone should do the same.

3. Write better emails.

Maybe you're writing poor emails. Are they too long? Too short? What's the perfect length for an email?
Guy Kawasaki said, "Less than five sentences is often abrupt and rude, more than five sentences wastes time." The author and founder of All-Top said, "Proper email is a balance between politeness and succinctness."
Rethink email writing. Be polite, yet succinct.

4. Let it go.

Stop treating email like the most important thing in life. Don't let your inbox dictate your day. Those little red notification numbers do not dictate your success or failure.
Punch that inbox in the face and get on with your life. 

Friday 29 May 2015

A Little Bit of Gratitude, Everyday!

How many struggles have you encountered this week?

How many times have you bounced back quickly from each one?

Struggles are a part of everyday life, especially if you’re in sales. Each time you walk in a new door, you don’t know who you’re going to face, how you should address their concerns about your product, or what rebuttals you need to have ready. Living with so many variables is a touchy way to live.

Yes, you do your homework, but until you’re in the trenches and have come face-to-face with their situation, you don’t really know who they are or what they need to hear.

Then, say you don’t close.

There’s another struggle (or three) because you have a quota to reach this week and you aren’t on target for said quota. Sales is a jungle. Period. And even if you’re the king of the beasts, it’s a difficult life.

Unless you’re grateful.

An attitude of gratitude makes the difference between feast and famine. Well, you won’t actually get rich just because you’re grateful, but you’ll feel like it.

And if you feel like it, you’ll perform better at your job, as well as at home.

Shawn Achor has been studying the effects of gratitude for decades and in all of his research, he’s discovered that gratitude: Makes us healthier, allows for better quality of sleep, gives us a greater sense of well-being, enables us to emotionally help and support others, and allows us to achieve more goals.
“…and allows us to be more successful.” Really.

The Gratitude Challenge

Are you ready to put yourself to a gratitude test? I challenge you, for the next 10 weeks to sit down each night and write down three things you’re grateful for. Three things. That’s all. If you can come up with more, that’s great, let’s see them.
But at the very least, I want you to think back on your day (and I don’t care if you had to walk 10 miles to the nearest gas station because your Lexus ran out of gas on the highway) and think about a minimum of three things that you’re grateful for.

They don’t even have to be monumental events. Getting out of bed can be one of them. Because, truly, if you think about it, that’s where it all starts. If you’re able to get out of bed, then you accomplished A LOT more than so many others.

Don’t Get Lost

You see, we get tangled up in the details. We get tangled up in the “woes me”. We get tangled up in the crap that doesn’t matter. And we let it bring us down. And when we’re down? We don’t perform well. We can’t think clearly, and we struggle with the smallest things.
But if we take on this challenge, if we work hard to find things we’re grateful for, then, all the crap falls away. We’re left with the positive vibes and energy that we need to power through to the next phase of the day.

So developing an attitude of gratitude isn’t something for the weak, or the faint of heart. It’s for those of us who are ready to conquer the world. And you, my friend, are ready.

Let’s do this!

A Little Bit of Gratitude, Everyday! 

Thursday 28 May 2015

It Has Nothing To Do With Money: What Actually Makes People Rich

It’s funny how things sometimes turn out. People chase money their entire lives, dreaming and wishing to one day be rich, only to wake up one morning and realize that they’re as poor as ever.
They either have no money and are miserable or have a bunch of money and are miserable nonetheless — like I said, they find themselves poorer than poor.
Unfortunately, you can’t really blame them for being in such a situation. Well… you certainly can, but they’re already down. Best not kick them too much.
Every person in the world is born with the same incredible gift: the gift of making decisions for yourself. There isn’t a person in this world who is not capable of making a decision on his or her own.
True, when growing up, we rely on our parents for the decision-making, and that often leads us to continue relying on them for a lengthy time, making it difficult for us to lead our own lives ourselves once we’re adults.
But at the very same time, choosing not to make a decision is a decision in itself. So you’re really just making the wrong decisions over and over again. And deluding yourself while you’re at it.
If you really wanted to make and follow through with a decision, you could. But you don’t, so you clearly don’t want to. And that’s fine. It’s your life; ruin it as you please.
But realize that by choosing not to make decisions yourself, you’re leaving everything to chance — your life is not something you should gamble with.
What you can do, however, is gamble with your money. Money is both wonderful and imaginary. Sure, we have dollar bills and coins, but thanks to the digital age, it’s easy to see money for what it really is.
Soon, money will be nothing more than a couple of pixels on your smartphone, representing the idea of how wealthy or poor you are.
All those living in first world countries measure wealth one way and one way only: the size of their wallets. We let an imaginary concept rule over our entire lives. We believe that having money makes us successful, accomplished and intelligent.
We believe that not having it makes us useless, stupid and lazy. The reality is that both the rich and the poor are mostly composed of idiots. Even idiots can make buttloads of money.
But that doesn’t make them rich. If you’re stupid, then you are poor and will forever be poor. I don’t mean stupid as “It takes me much longer to learn something than the average person” kind of stupid.
I mean stupid as “I don’t understand what matters in life and refuse to explore my reality because I’m certain that eventually I’ll stumble upon happiness” kind of stupid. This kind of stupid is smart enough to learn, but just chooses to only spend their mental energy on trivial things. Like money.
Now, don’t get me wrong. Money is great. It’s fun. Making it gives us a sense of accomplishment. To be honest, I f*cking love money. But I don’t think it’s what’s important in life — or at least, not most important.
We need money to live comfortably. We need money to help us fulfill some of our hopes and dreams — whether or not those hopes and dreams are honorable is another question. We need money to secure our children’s future.
We need money in order to attain the things in life that will make us happy. Thankfully, a lot less money is needed for this to be achieved than most people think.
As long as you can afford to be healthy, to be comfortable, to be safe, to be financially stable and to not have to worry about money, then you have plenty of it. This is the “richest” any of us needs to be. Everything else is superfluous.
Unless, of course, you need that money to do something that can potentially benefit a much larger group of people and not just yourself. Only then is having millions and billions of dollars justifiable.
Sure, many of us want those sports cars, expensive clothing, yachts, toys, jewelry — and that’s fine as long as it’s in moderation, but if you have more money than you need, then you should be using the majority of it to help those who don’t have enough to be healthy, to be comfortable, to be safe.
If you don’t need it, then spend it on someone who does. Why hoard it? Why sit on it and do nothing with it until the day you die. We’re not in Ancient Egypt — you can’t take it with you! Oh… you want to be rich. Idiots. Having money doesn’t make you rich.
Imaginary things cannot make you rich. What makes you rich are the things you have that money can’t buy. Those things and those people are the most valuable things in the world because no matter how much money you have, you’ll never have enough to purchase them.
The knowledge you have. The strength — both physical and mental. The memories, friends, family, the laughs, the tears, the scarring from the horribly glorious pain that made you the individual you are today — these things are the things that have value in life.
Only life and what life is capable of accomplishing matters. Everything else is excess. It’s pointless and wasteful. You can have all the money in the world and still be the poorest bastard to walk the face of the earth. I’m pretty sure that would also make you the dumbest.

Wednesday 27 May 2015

10 Easy and Effective Ways to Exercise Your Brain

10 ways to exercise your brain
If you’re like most people, you probably slack off on your physical exercise during the winter season. There’s no reason, however, that you can’t continue with your mental exercise. Keeping your brain in shape is one of the best ways to ensure that your brain function is not only stable throughout your life, but actually increases.
If you want to exercise your brain but don’t know where to start, here are 10 ways to help you do just that.

Do Puzzles
Whether you fancy Sudoku, word searches or even crossword puzzles, attempting one each day will give your brain some much-needed exercise. By doing puzzles you engage your brain to work logically, a skill that is often underused. Doing puzzles like this can also help to up your concentration, as short mental-intensive exercises like this involve a lot of concentration and thought to achieve success.

Write More Often
It’s true that we live in a world where keyboards and touch screens dominate, and paper is a thing of the past. However, just because typing and texting have grown in popularity, you shouldn’t ditch writing with a pen and paper.
Believe it or not, physically taking notes and writing down thoughts increases focus, memory and brain function.

Then, Write With Your Opposite Hand
While taking notes or writing letters with your opposite hand is likely a bad idea, doodling, drawing or just writing a few sentences with your non-dominant hand can actually work wonders for your brain.
When you use your non-dominant hand to write, draw, cut or even brush your teeth you strengthen the neural network in your brain, and can even form new neuron connections. This can help to unleash untapped creativity and potential, as using your non-dominant hand helps to activate the non-dominant part of your brain, resulting in different and more innovative thinking.

Learn a New Word Each Day
A great way to improve both your memory and vocabulary is to learn a new word each day. By learning and memorizing new words and using them, both sides of your brain begin to work in conjunction, helping to increase brain lateralization.
Better yet, there’s no greater mental workout than learning an entirely new language. Study on your own or with an informal group, take a class, or practice your foreign language while traveling.

Read More
Keeping your brain engaged and focused plays a huge role in keeping it sharp and healthy. A great way to do this is to incorporate reading into your daily routine, and to mix up your content, as different types of reading material work different parts of your brain.
Reading a novel can help to increase creativity and can also improve the brain’s functionality, while reading a news or scientific article can improve critical thinking and help you to increase your knowledge.

Socialize More Often
If your day is largely spent in front of a screen with little verbal communication, it’s time to up your social activity. Believe it or not, having candid face-to-face conversations helps your brain to quicken its reflexes, while also aiding in improving focus and attention.

Try a New Recipe
If your routine involves cooking the same meals over and over again, it’s time to switch it up, not only for your palate but also for your brain. Learning to cook a new recipe can help to break your brain out of thoughtless routines and help to re-introduce problem solving and critical thinking back into your daily routine.

Do More of the Things You Enjoy
Doing something mentally engaging that you actually enjoy can be the perfect exercise for your brain. If you already have a hobby that you love, whether it’s knitting, playing a sport, speaking a second language or playing an instrument, spend time doing it every day.
Honing your skills will help you to think critically and problem solve, forming new neuron connections and keeping your brain sharp. Picking up a new hobby can also have the same brain-engaging effects too.

Re-Think Your Routines
While daily habits and routines help all of us to get from point A to point B and accomplish everything on our to-do lists with success, they put our brains on autopilot. This lack of thinking can cause our brains to become less stimulated and engaged, leading to lower levels of brain function.
To increase brain activity throughout the day, break away from your routines and try something new.

Be More Mindful
We do a lot of things throughout the day without thinking about them. This includes everything from brushing our teeth to making breakfast, taking a shower and even relaxing in front of the TV. However, while it may be time-effective or relaxing to do things without thinking, we actually end up wasting precious time that we could use to boost cognitive function. Instead of simply going through the motions, live mindfully by actually being conscious of what you’re doing while you’re doing it.

Featured image credits: Allan Ajifo via flickr


Tuesday 26 May 2015

22 Top CEOs Reveal Their Favorite Books (Infographic)

Ever wondered what the world’s top CEOs and businessmen read? Well, the people of DOMO and compiled this information, so you’ll never be short of a good book recommendation.


Monday 25 May 2015

Learn to Understand Your Own Intelligence

Three years ago I listened to a lecture on cognition that changed the way I think about intelligence. This is the crux. There are two types of cognition. The first is normal cognition. This is the ability to retrieve knowledge from memory. When you are asked a question on a test and produce an answer, that’s a display of cognitive ability. The second type of cognition is metacognition; the ability to know whether or not you know.
Have you ever been asked a question that you knew the answer to, but you couldn’t find the right word? This is called the “tip of the tongue” phenomenon and I’m sure we’ve all experienced it. You know that you know the answer, but you fail to produce it. If someone said an answer, you would know instantly if it was correct or not. In these cases metacognition exists without cognition.
In short, cognition is knowing, metacognition is knowing if you know or not. Both can exist together, but many times they don’t.

How Does this Affect Intelligence?

So what importance does this have and how is it relevant to self improvement? The fact that there are two different kinds of cognitive ability means that there are different types of intelligence.
In traditional education, intelligence is measured by cognitive ability. For some people this is works well. They can easily produce everything they know on a test. But for others it doesn’t work out so well. The people that know something cold but can’t find the right words on a test are awarded with poor grades and considered inferior.
But does this inability make them any less intelligent? They know the answer. If the question came up on a task, they could refer to a book or a quick Google search. In reality they’re just as effective as the people that aced the test. They just can’t prove it as easily.

The Importance of Knowing what you know

Unless you’re taking a test or playing Jeopardy, metacognition is more important to success than cognition. In real life, when you’re faced with a question the first decision is whether you know the answer or not. With strong metacognitive ability this is easy. If you know the answer, but can’t come up with it, you can always do a bit of research. If you know for sure that you don’t know, then you can start educating yourself. Because you’re aware of your ignorance, you don’t act with foolish confidence. The person who thinks they know something that they really don’t makes the worst decisions.
A person with poor cognitive ability, but great metacognitive ability is actually in great shape. They might do poorly in school, but when faced with a challenge they understand their abilities and take the best course of action. These people might not seem intelligent at first glance, but because they know what they know, they make better decisions and learn the most important things.

Clever but mediocre people

At the opposite end of the spectrum are people with great cognitive ability but poor metacognitive ability. These people are proclaimed geniuses at a young age for acing every test and getting great SAT scores. Unfortunately, they’ve been ruined by poor metacognition; they think they know everything but they really don’t. They are arrogant, fail to learn from mistakes, and don’t understand the nuances of personal relationships; showing disdain for persons with lower cognitive ability.
So who is superior? In a battle of wits the higher cognitive ability prevails, but life is not a single encounter. It is a series of experiments in succession, each building upon the last. Learning requires knowing what you don’t know, and taking steps to learn what you need to. People with poor metacognitive ability never realize that they don’t ‘get it’. They also don’t realize what’s important.
This doesn’t preclude them from material success. But, perhaps that’s a poor measurement of intelligence as well. There are many people who become rich and successful by their cleverness and cognitive ability, but as human beings are quite mediocre. Is the man that makes a million dollars, but is cruel and abusive to his employees and family, really more intelligent than the poor man who lives a modest and loving life? I don’t intend to demonize wealth, only to state that it should not be the measure of virtue.

Use your metacognitive ability

So what do we know and what do we not? And how can we tell the difference? There is so much to know in the world that the most brilliant human minds can grasp only the tiniest fraction. For this reason we should always be in doubt of what we know. The closed mind is oblivious to its surroundings, while the open mind absorbs them. Like a sponge, it soaks up observations, becoming fuller and more robust.
But we can’t live in total doubt. If we did we would never act, paralyzed by our inadequate knowledge. We must trust our intuition. If something makes you feel a certain way, that feeling is real and must be respected. Act based on your own convictions, not those of others, and keep an open ear for new ideas.
The most important mental power is the ability to know what you don’t know. The recognition of a fault is the first step to improvement. Don’t try to hide a lack of knowledge. People will see through it and you’ll appear foolish and arrogant. If you admit your ignorance, people will help you learn and respect your humility. For intelligent people this is the toughest lesson to learn. We are used to being right, and consider being wrong shameful. We’re afraid to lose status by looking stupid. This vain arrogance is a great weakness and the source of many problems. To crush it and embrace humility is the mark of true wisdom.


Sunday 24 May 2015

What’s The One Thing You Would Do If You Knew You’d Be Successful?

Take a second and think about this question: What one thing would you do if you knew you’d be successful?

For me, short of the obvious “ask out Ed Sheeran” or “try out one of those wing suits,” my answer revolves around my career goals. For you, it could be something completely different.
Your answer will tell you what you value most: love, adventure, money, social status, etc.
It could take years to answer this question fully. When you do arrive at an answer, you will have mentally sorted through the multitudes of things you want for your life, and managed to land on just one thing. That’s a great first step.
Unfortunately, your answer may also address your biggest fears. It may tell you about the chances you’ll never take and the bridges you’ll never cross as long as success is not guaranteed.
Of course, success in your answer is something that matters to you, so much so that the fear of not achieving it could be debilitating.
Whether talking to someone you find attractive or submitting an application for a new job, fear of failure prevents more than any of us would like to admit. Yes, failure is possible, but it’s not and will never be the only possible outcome.
Who says you won’t be successful? Is failure that common in your life? If we learn from our mistakes, why are we all so afraid to make them?
There’s that old adage that your chances go up 100 percent when you file an application; yet, that won’t prevent you from putting things off indefinitely.
No matter how many inspirational articles you read on Elite Daily or how many friends encourage you to pursue your dreams, laziness and simple insecurity can stop you from ever becoming your fullest, truest self. What a shame.
There is hope, though — more than just a little. Think of all of the times you were worried about the outcome of something, and then it went well.
Think about the difficult things you have already achieved. Think about where you were three years ago, and where you are today. Think about how all the success you’ve had so far feels. Think about how worth it all of your effort has been.
Give yourself some time to come up with an answer to this question. Dig deep and explore all of your options. Once you have figured out your answer, pursue it as if it doesn’t matter if you fail.
Because, the truth is, it really doesn’t matter if you fail. In the short-term, sure, it might be uncomfortable or upsetting. It might be frustrating or disheartening, but it won’t be the end.
If you’ve taken the time to formulate a real answer to this question, even the possibility of achieving it should make the risk worth taking.
If that success wouldn’t be worth it, then maybe you need to reassess your answer and find something you care about even more, something that would be worth failing at just so you could say you tried.
Failure isn’t trying and not succeeding; failure is getting to the end and realizing you never once lifted a finger to pursue what matters most to you.
You may have wanted to; you may have thought about it; you may have had all of the good intentions in the world, but you never actually did anything. That is what real failure is.
The people who care about you won’t care about you any less if you don’t succeed right away.
In fact, the people who matter will be happy you took the chance to reach your dreams and will encourage you to keep trying. Lean on them for support — that’s what they are there for.
Asking yourself this question, and following through on your answer could be the key that unlocks the door of your true potential. And, trust me, that’s a door worth opening.

Saturday 23 May 2015

3 Easy Ways to Focus Your Mind in 5 Minutes

Successful people maintain a positive focus in life no matter what is going on around them.
They stay focused on their past successes rather than their past failures, and on the next action steps they need to take to get them closer to the fulfillment of their goals rather than all the other distractions that life presents to them.” – Jack Canfield
It is during our darkest moments that we must focus to see the light Aristotle Onassis
Your ability to focus in your reality is crucial to creating the life you really want. Your mental, emotional and spiritual health is absolutely essential to your physical health and well-being.
Having the ability to improve your mind, improve your brain, and to be able to easily and effortlessly improve your focus will bring about the positive results you want to achieve.
Let’s face it. Stagnating in your personal growth is not a good thing.
If your’re not consistently growing and expanding towards your goals, dreams, and desires you will feel like a balloon about to pop.
This is because the energetic ecosystem in your body is getting backed up and will eventually affect you health and well-being.
You will only achieve your body’s ideal healing power and optimal physical and cerebral strength when you are appropriately “nourishing” your nervous system and your spiritual and emotional self.
Stress related illnesses are on the rise because we are always on the go. It is absolutely necessary that you take time throughout the day to just be still.
With coffee, tea, soda, energy drinks, and the non-stop onslaught of stress permeating the atmosphere, it’s no wonder most people are one traffic jam away from a nervous breakdown.
Emotional health is built on taking time throughout the day and just being with yourself. Watching TV or web surfing doesn’t count because these things actually drain you.
Mindfulness Meditation is one great way to do this.
Mindfulness Meditation is simply a matter of stilling the mind by having it focus on an object or image or even a thought.
That’s really it. It’s not that complicated.
However, meditation is not about spacing out or leaving your physical body, that would be Astral Projection. Also, meditation is not about spacing out and having your awareness leave your physical body.
You have to remember to stay grounded in the present moment.

Let’s Focus Your Mind

We will use the 3D triangle image below.
Just look at and observe the subtleties of it. Look at the color, see the shape, follow the lines with your eyes. Do this for 5 minutes and you just focused your mind and meditated at the same time. Congratulations. :)

3D Triangle

Would you like another easy way to be able to focus your mind while at the same time totally eliminating worrisome and anxious thoughts?
Okay, here we go.
Turn off the TV, radio, cell phone, or anything else that might interrupt you.
Get yourself a candle and light it.
Sit down on the floor cross legged with your back against the wall. Place the candle about a foot in front of you and just focus on the flame and observe its movements.
If you like, place some soothing music in the background. Nothing heavy, just something light and relaxing.
Now while you are observing the flame, remember to breath.
Just do this for at least five minutes and see how you feel afterwards.
You should feel more relaxed, lighter and definitely more focused.
Brainwave technology is another great way to focus your mind and relax it at the same time.
I have been using the Brain Evolution System for almost 2 years now and it has helped me to stay calmer, feel more relaxed, and to also sleep better at night.
The progressive audio technology helps you to reach lasting, positive change in your life – simply by listening to a CD recording.
Every state of mind has a distinct electrical signature that can be detected in the brain.
These signatures are known as “brainwaves.” Using specialized equipment, these waves can be measured and recorded.
Using the exclusive 3-Point dynamic entrainment audio process, this program combines inaudible audio pulses with lavishly orchestrated natural sound environments.
As you listen to each disc, the subtle audio effects stimulate the brain to create brainwaves that match a variety of beneficial states of mind, like relaxation.
You get your complimentary copy of the Brain Evolution System Here.
Adding new processes in your life means removing other less important processes like watching TV or websurfing.
You’re worth it.
Take the time each day to nourish yourself with processes that actually benefit you and the greater good of mankind.
The ego is nothing other than the focus of conscious attention

Benefits of  improving your focus

  • Improved concentration
  • More relaxed and alert.
  • Better sex life.
  • Increased stamina and health.
  • The ability to see tasks through to the end.
  • Better memory.
  • A positive mindset.
  • Improved mind control.
  • Relaxed breathing.
  • Emotional stability.
  • Easier to savor the pleasures in life.
  • Worry less.
  • Better self-esteem.
  • Lower blood pressure.
  • Improve sleep.
  • Reduce gastrointestinal problems.
  • Helps with depression, eating disorders, and chronic pain.

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